Performance Enhancement Scheme
Academic Excellence is first priority key performance area for faculty & students. One of the measurable criteria of academic excellence is 100% success along with distinctions & university ranks. Academic rehabilitation activities include departmental review of academic performance in Parent teacher meeting, to identify weaker students & monitor their progress and also design & implement individual remedial actions. High performers based on their First formative assessment scores are selected to be a part of privileged batch. These students are provided with additional privileges such as access to faculty, departmental library along with tailor made paper setting & one to one feedback sessions throughout the year. All students of academic rehabilitation program have passed in first attempt with some students even scoring distinctions. Majority (95%-100%) students of privilege batches have achieved distinctions with some university ranks.
Clinical Competency Assurance
The competence of graduating nursing students is an important issue in health care as it is related to professional standards, patient safety & the quality of nursing care. Clinical Competency Assurance coordinators of various classes prepare yearly competency assurance calendar in discussion with Class coordinators, HODs & Principal. Clinical Competency Assurance sessions are mainly carried through micro skills development, viewing of procedure videos & provision of added time for handling complex equipments. To enhance their clinical skills with sophisticated instruments they have given exposure in advanced medical technology labs at Covedien. At the end of session, supervisor & peer evaluation is carried out with the help of standardized checklists. Students verbalized satisfaction as they get added time for hands-on experience in laboratories.
In order to develop & demonstrate skill competency the students are given exposure to clinical field of various specialties. Ratio of 1:3 with preceptor: preceptee is maintained. Mentoring is done with adequate supervision of specialized experts in the respective clinical field. Feedback from students & teachers evaluation is done through practical exam.
Walk with Scholars
Having recognised the fact that the best preparation for making a living comes through learning the arts of reading carefully, writing clearly and persuasively, reasoning quantitatively and analytically, evaluating evidence effectively and thinking critically, the programme introduces the idea of Walk with a Scholar. It is a novel and flagship initiative where in the students get to experience the first hand knowledge experts from various fields. It is a personal enhancement strategy through which an expert facilitates the development of student by sharing known resources, expertise, values, skills, perspectives, attitudes and proficiencies. It allows the learner to build skills and knowledge while attaining goals for career development. Its target is to develop certain generic skills, non-technical competencies, attitudes and behaviours that contribute to a person's sense of self and personal well-being.

Dr. Milind Kirtane
Consultant, P.D.Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Padmashri Consultant ENT Surgeon
An Indian otorhinolaryngologist, credited to have performed the first cochlear implant surgery in Mumbai. Session on Hearing Loss and Cochlear Implant Event, Educational /Awareness Programme was conducted by Paediatric department.

Dr. Lala Murad
Oncologist & surgeon
Inspiring session for the staff and students of Hinduja College of Nursing was conducted by Dr. Lala Murad, the first Indian doctor to scale Mount Everest.

Dr. Hozefa A. Bhinderwala
Consultant PsychiatristI
A session on academic skills enhancement was taken during the professional enculturation program 2015-2016 by Dr. Hozefa A. Bhinderwala at Saifee Hospital, School Counsellor.

Prof. E.V. Swaminathan
Psycho Neurobics
Post Graduate Diploma in Psycho Neurobics, Public Health session on memory management

Dr. Khusrav B Bajan
Consultant Physician & Intensivist, Department of Medicine and Critical Care at P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai.
Dr. Bajan is a certified provider for Advanced Trauma Life support (ATLS) from an American College of Surgeons and a founder core member of P. D. Hinduja Hospital's Trauma Team. He conducts regular CPR sessions for the students.







Faculty Reading Room
The well-furnished library is located on the 12th floor of the P.D.Hinduja National College of Nursing and is spread over 1500 square feet, with a seating capacity for around 50 students and 15 staff.
The College library is computerised with Serosoft Library software, Circulation of the books is done by using software. OPAC is available for students and faculties reference .The library is well equipped with more than three thousand six hundred latest edition books & e-books and Indian and foreign nursing journals .The library also offers a guide named "Know Your Library" on how to use the library, the system of borrowing books, computer service and internet. Also library induction program is conducted for students and faculties at the beginning of every academic year.
The faculty members and the students are entitled to use the college Library facilities. MUHS Digital Library of Open Access content offering Full text access to 13,000+ peer reviewed journals ,3000 + E-books and 4000,000 thesis & course documents as well as retrospective Nursing literature in various media to support in health education. Clinical key Database and others e-books and e- journals (Ovid, BMJ, Oxford, science direct) are available for users.
College of Nursing has a reading room and reference section for teaching faculty and students .Research projects, Educational VCD's, MUHS question papers and College exam papers are also provided to students and faculty for reference.
Book issued to needy students every year under Book Bank Scheme (MUHS Sponsored). Platinum, Gold and Silver Library issue card facility for top 3 rankers in periodic college level exam.
Kalam's Reading Corner has been started for students to read and explore the world beyond nursing studies. Recently we have started Hostel Library for fully utilisation of available library resource. Some copies of the books have kept in hostel library for hostel student's reference.
The College library has separate computer lab for the students and faculty with sufficient number of computers. Students also use the Computer lab to complete their assignments using word processing software, databases, statistical programs, and internet. Every year College conduct classes in computer basic for students. Faculty and students can access Central library situated at P.D.Hinduja National Hospital, Mahim which provides them with numerous books and journals in the field of Medicine, Nursing and Health.
The Library aims to serve the needs of faculty, research scholars, students and other members of the library by providing an excellent collection of books & other e-resources.
- It develops a habit of deep of and advanced studies of subjects beyond the text books of subjects, in students.
- It enhances the understanding of different subjects or disciplines among the students.
- It prepares the students as an intelligent aware, informative and enlightened to play the role of a responsible citizen.
- It assists the research works and lays down the initiative base for research work in students.
- It informs the teacher with latest up-dates in their respective subject area.
College Library:
Monday to Friday - 10.00am to 7.00pm
On Saturday - 9.00am to 5.30pm
During Examination:
9.00am to 7.00 pm
Hostel Library
Monday to Saturday – 7.00pm to 10.00pm
Name | Members Details | |
Dr.Prof.Jaya Kuruvilla - | Chairperson | |
Ms.Reena D'Souza | Secretory | |
Ms.Sakshi Warang | Librarian | |
Ms.Manisha Ingale | Assistant Librarian | |
Ms.Jain Babu | Faculty Member | |
Ms.Pooja Nair | Faculty Member | |
Ms. Chaitanya Valsalan | Faculty Member | |
Student Representative | ||
Ms.Muriel Fernandes | (UG) | |
Ms.Swara Mungekar | (PG) |
Functions of Library Committee:
- To guide the Librarian in formulating general library policies and regulations which govern the functions of the library.
- To make recommendations for proper functioning of the library.
- To provide for proper documentation services and updating the Library collection.
- To work towards modernization and improvement of Library and documentation Services.
- To formulate policies and procedures for efficient use of Library resources.
- To prepare budget and proposals for the development of the Library.
- OPAC Service
- UG & PG Student Section
- Internet section for faculty
- Internet room for student
- Faculty reading room
- New arrivals display area
- Journals display area
- Hostel library
- Departmental library
- Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalams Corner
- Central Library access
- MUHS Book bank scheme
- Reading facilities on the premises for students and staff
- Home lending services
- Reference services
- Library Orientation
- Book Bank facility for students
- Book Displays
- List of Additions, Current Awareness (Newspaper clippings)
- Internet
- Online access facilities
- Online Public Access Catalogue
The students and staff library can borrow documents from other libraries on Inter Library Loan Basis. The library continues to be on the network with most libraries and information centres on mutual exchange basis. In order to procure books from other libraries, students need to carry a reference letter from the librarian. Members can borrow documents from the following libraries.
- Dr. R.K Menda Library
- K.E.M Hospital Library
Monthly list of additions to the library collection is displayed on the notice board.
The Library preserves a collection of college publications viz College Magazine Antarnaad; P.D.Hinduja National Hospital & MRC Annual Reports, Research reports Standard Operating Procedures manual.
Books are displayed in line for workshop, national & international events, and suggested themes and as per the requirement of the teachers. Also during the library orientation program.
Hard Copies of question papers (University and college level) are available in the Library.
- Library Orientation program
- Vachan Prerna divas
- National Library week
- Book Exhibition
- Session on Plagiarism, Reference Management, hands on session on use of e-resources.
Best Practices
- Platinum, Gold, Silver cards for first 3 rank holders
- MUHS Book Bank Scheme
- MUHS earn & learn scheme
- Serosoft -
- Web guru -
- Clinical Key!/ - Clinical Key Nursing with CE Module!/ - BMJ Journals – 29 No's - BMJ Best Practice - Ovid Journals – 14 No's - Various Speciality Journals - 46 No's (High – impact journals)
- Science Direct Journals – 4 No's
Free use Digital Library
- MUHS Open source Digital Library- - National Digital Library
Free eBooks & journals
- Directory of Open Access Journals - Directory of Open Access Books - World cat - Online Union Catalogue of Indian Universities - Social Science Research Network – - OAPEN Open Access - Free full pdf - Springer Open - Wiley Open Access - Elsevier Open Access - Rare book society of India