Supporting Research
Faculty at college provide their expertise and the specific knowledge for B.Sc. nursing, M.Sc. nursing students for completion of research. Some of the researches are funded by external agencies.Research workshops are also regularly conducted by college of Nursing.
Individual Research Project for UG students
The undergraduate students are expected to conduct an individual research project in their final year. All the UG teachers are involved in the research of the students. This has helped to percolate down research culture across all the department, faculty and students.
Participation in university level convention

2nd Prize winner at Inter University Level

Ass.Pro. Siman Xavier AVISHKAR

Ms. Neha Shantilal Sonwane, 2nd Prize winner at AVISHKAR University Level

Ms. Ligi Varghese and Ms. Amita Pawar - 1st prize Research Methodology SMES,College of Nursing, TNAI, Maharashtra Branch

Ms.Ashley George and Ms.Muriel Fernandes -2nd prize Research Methodology SMES,College of Nursing, TNAI, Maharashtra Branch

State level research conference

Avishkar, MUHS

Avishkar, MUHS

Paper presentation at international Platform

Paper presentation at international Platform

Paper presentation at international Platform
Annual research Meet


Research Reflection

Research Reflection
