CSSU (Community Social Service Unit)


The goal is to improve the quality of living among children through relationship building, care services & IEC activities. Hinduja College of nursing has adopted the one of the orphanage near college vicinity with sincere and genuine intention of reaching to an underprivileged yet most valuable section of society – children from orphanage. Various activities are carried out such as monitoring growth & development of inmates, strengthening IEC and training activities to bring about permanent behavior changes that promote health & nutrition among inmates, training elder children for management of minor ailments. Donations such as clothes, books, toys along with financial support through fund raising activities, voluntary donation, contribution from NSS & college are given.

P.D. Hinduja College of Nursing has adopted a village named Uttan, Bhayander for total extended health care for extension services. These services are provided in collaboration with Muktisagar Mission Uttan and Centre For Social Action. The preventive, curative, promotive and rehabilitative services are provided to people from Uttan. The outreach programmes include community diagnosis, awareness campaigns on social and health related issues, health camps for vulnerable population and capacity building through training.

Services at UTTAN, Adopted village

College has adopted semi fishing rural village, Uttan for providing outreach activities. College has strong collaboration with Muktisagar Prabodhan Kendra, NGO functional in that area. College conducts community outreach activities like special camps, school health programs, IEC activities throughout the year.

Rural Health Services

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