10 point Student Satisfaction Survey

Dear Student, P. D. Hinduja College of Nursing since its inception, has tried to pursue excellence in every aspect it touches whether academics, infrastructural or environmental.

Your feedback helps us continue to provide exceptional service and ensures ongoing improvement.
you're requested to give us your valuable feedback.

Students Overall Evaluation of the Programme and Teaching

Your response will be seen only after course results have been finalized and recorded.
The information will be used only for the improvement of the course and teaching in future.

  I) Design of the course:

Particulars Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Objectives of course & respective subjects were made clear to you.
Sequence of course well planned
Level of course met up with your expectations.
Course exposed you to new knowledge & practise.

  II) Conduct of Course:

Particulars Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Distribution of theory with clinical was balanced throughout the year.
Entire syllabus was completed within stipulated hours.
Hand-outs, lesson notes or references provided were adequate.
Classroom teachings were relevant to real life situations.
Classroom sessions were informative & interactive.
Adequate theoretical preparations ensured before respective clinical.
Educational visits were relevant & informative

  III) Clinical experience:

Particulars Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Adequate numbers of patients were available for practise.
Adequate resources were available to facilitate hands on experience.
Clinical assignments were relevant & facilitated self-directed learning.

  IV) Quality of instructor:

Particulars Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
a) The teacher engages the class for the full duration and completes the course in time.
The teacher comes fully prepared for the class
b) The teacher provides guidance counselling in academic and non-academic matters in/outside the class.
c) The teacher encourages participation and discussion in class (Teacher-Student, Student-Student)
d) The teacher encourages and values disagreement
e) The teacher uses modern teaching aids/gadgets, hand-outs, suggestion of references, PPT, web-resources (Any other)
f) The teacher's attitude toward the students was friendly and helpful

  V) Library Facilities:

Particulars Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Prescribed readings are adequately available:
a) Print
b) Electronically
Library timings are appropriate & adequate.

  VI) Evaluation:

Particulars Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Internal assessment schedule uniformly spread over academic year.
Internal assessment helped in timely self-assessment & improvement.
Internal assessment facilitated interaction with teachers & their timely feedback.
Internal assessment system operated fairly throughout the course.

  VII) Research:

Particulars Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Research calendar facilitated planning & timely submission of research project.
Theoretical preparation was adequate in research & statistics before actual operationalization.
Guidance was adequate, timely & added value to research project.
Adequate logistics support provided during research project completion.

  Overall Rating of the Programme (tick in the relevant cell):

Particulars Very Good Good Average Poor V Poor
Academic content
Fairness of Evaluation
Interaction with faculty
Interaction with Administration
Library facilities
Computer facilities
Hostel facilities
Recreational facilities
Extra-curricular facilities
Sports facilities

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